The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
Recent Transactions
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Minnesota Rubber and Plastics

Facilitated the sale of KKR’s portfolio company Minnesota Rubber and Plastics, a leading provider of materials science-based elastomer and thermoplastic solutions, to Trelleborg

VX Fiber

Advised VX Fiber, an international infrastructure and technology business focused on Fibre-to-the-Home networks, on its sale to the infrastructure fund AMP Capital

Centrifuge and processing equipment business of Koki Holdings Co., Ltd.

Advised Eppendorf AG, a leading family-owned life science company, on the acquisition of the centrifuge and processing equipment business of KKR-owned Koki Holdings Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of power tools and centrifuge and processing equipment

Sanyo DI Solution

Advised Advantage Partners, a leading private equity fund in Japan, on the acquisition of 100% stake in Sanyo DI Solution, the digital still camera OEM business in SANYO Electric, a group company of Panasonic